
Showing posts from February, 2023


IN WORDS DIRECTIONS The object of the game is to find as many words as you can within the word. The letters must be in the same order as in the word. A word can be used only once. For example: aspirations = aspiration, a, as, asp, pi, I, ratio, rat, at, a, ti, on, ons, ion, ions, ration, rations. For seventeen words. (According to the Scrabble Dictionary). The player who makes the most words within words correctly wins. ON WORDS DIRECTIONS Using the words from IN Words connect them to part of the full word to make a new word. For example: The word is   fasten. The words within fasten are below followed by the new words that can be connected to form a new word. a : sat at ta tea tan an fa: fan fat as : ass ten : tent en : fen ten sent The player with the greatest number of correct words wins.